Friday, 9 August 2013

ABOUT SEX ON THE BEACH and other short stories.

Night after night on TV, on almost every one of the vast multitude of channels that are now available in most of the world , viewers can see one or more programmes whose central theme features murder or criminal mayhem of one kind or another,  from simple robbery ( if there is any such thing )  to sadistic violent torture, physical and verbal abuse - or worse..   Some are fictional – some kind of film or TV drama for example - but many feature real life events ( so called “reality TV” ) or a documentary version of an actual crime with all the sickening particulars exposed in gory detail. 

                                  Now available on AMAZON & Lulu     

For the life of me I really cannot understand why so many people want to watch this kind of stuff for their evening ( or even daytime ) entertainment.   After all , there is surely nothing pleasant about having your wife or daughter  raped – your house burgled – your husband mugged or even worse attacked by some drug crazed or drunken lout – so why watch this kind of thing replayed in one form or another for your nightly amusement ?. 
What is even worse is the fact that these type of programmes invariably link sex with violence –and a great deal of popular modern literature is just as bad.    Many of the main characters are vicious evil  people living sad degrading lives within broken homes and multiple marriages ,where even children as well as adults are also frequently mentally and physically abused.


With characters often suffering from drug addiction and/or alcohol abuse and unable to distinguish sadistic behaviour from normality, these books describe sexual acts in the most derogatory way, hardly ever showing them as acts of pleasure.   Pondering to the lowest possible taste and including  the crudest representation of sex imaginable that truly degrade human nature, they nevertheless often reach number one in the listings and go on to sell in their millions. 

Violence, rape and sexual abuse of any kind  is inherently bad – but sex itself is intrinsically good and meant to be enjoyed.  It keeps the human species going and between consensual adults is the most wondrous joyous and pleasurable thing imaginable.  Real, loving sex should be actively encouraged - if it were the whole world would be a much better place for it.


Until very recently the majority of our published work has been primarily about the naturist lifestyle and while we have never particularly avoided the subject of sex over the years , neither up until now have we made a big thing of it.

Most naturists have a liberal attitude towards personal freedom, together with a general lack of concern or apprehension about anything to do with sex or nakedness.  A practising naturist for most of my adult life , the great majority of the inspiration and motivation for our  erotic writing comes about directly as a result of this unique kind of  lifestyle.

                              A naturist beach in the south of France

Sex on the Beach is all about SEX.  Sex . sex and even more sex – the kind of sex where everyone is enjoying the moment , the constant stimulation and anticipation -  but NO violence of any kind.  It is directed specifically at sensible adults of discriminating taste and  will hopefully provide a more refined representation of modern day sexuality than the current proliferation of mindless pornography and violence that is presently on offer.

PLEASE NOTE; Although the events described in Sex on the Beach are true accounts , the people in them are not necessarily naturists nor have the actions in them taken place on any beach or other localities that have been specifically dedicated for naturist use.