Tuesday, 31 July 2018

About Religion

About Religion;

Religion is an almost worldwide belief in the existence of some kind of individual/being/thing –supposedly the creator of humankind – that made us , cares for us , grants us our wishes and ultimately sends  us up/down to some safe and happy place when we die , dependant on our behaviour or the strength of our convictions.  Of course there is not one single piece of evidence that any such thing or person exists ,but nevertheless  most human beings believe this theory  to some greater or lesser degree.  

The major reason  of course for this entirely unsupported belief is that of wishful thinking. Most of us feel much better having some recognised belief that we live on in some form or another instead of turning to dust – as in fact that’s what really happens to us all.   And  of course there is always the  relentless degree of brainwashing from well meaning parents/society in general to follow the standard belief.   

 I would describe this form of belief in simple terms as a major curse of human life’ and one which looks like having no sign of either reducing or completely disappearing in the near future.  Without having the benefit of any of the scientific information available today we can forgive those that held this view in the past – but we  now know for certain that this simple viewpoint is nowhere near the real truth.  

There is of course no heaven or hell –  and the scientific alternative now accepted by most people under the age of about 30 in the UK at least  is that we are all made of some kind of matter– flesh , bones and the lot – and that we eventually return to matter when we die.   Modern day scientific research indicates quite clearly that space goes on and on to what we can only understand as infinity – and it is crass stupidity to believe anything else – so that’s about that.

Religious mania at about every level has always existed in society in some form or another  – however how to deal with this is a continuing problem .  

Protestants and Catholics , the ones most common in the UK as well the dozens of other recognised known groups go on about their business without causing any inconvenience to the rest of society in general who mainly let them get on with it.   

However, a mild belief in some kind of religion does little harm to anyone.  At the lower end of the scale of  ‘say’  1-10 it has a soothing and peace inducing effect – but unfortunately at the top  end it can produce a form of clinical insanity, its radical and extremist followers  setting out to kill and do away with anyone that disagrees with them.


We have this problem at the moment in the UK and not only in this country but practically all over the world with some followers of the Islamist religion, more commonly known as Muslims.   In it’s  original ancient form Islam  was  basically a peaceful  style of worship, which the vast majority of its followers maintain today.  It is radically different from our own Christian religion which although in the past was not so different from Islam but has now settled into a more relaxed version which most people in the UK at least follow.

However Islam is primarily a male dominated religion in a mostly male dominated section of society, wherever it is practised.  Even in liberated parts of the world – like the UK for example-many Muslim women are encouraged by their family members to wear the kind of clothing that at one end of the scale  relies for some kind of headscarf when out of the home to the other radical end which requires a special outfit in a plain black material that covers them from head to toe except for the eyes.

But it’s not all bad news as many younger Muslim girls and even some older women too are rejecting this style for more modern fashion – and they mostly look very good in them.

Obviously many men from traditional backgrounds are not very happy with this lessening diminution to their powers of domination ,especially the younger members of society.   They say that anyone that that does not agree with this insane mantra should be done away with – and they are  happy to kill themselves in the process along with anyone that happen to be standing next to them at the time.

These radicals are usually young men and are of course all clinically insane – and just like their kind that used to be held in mental institutions for the dangerously insane  are as such unable to recognise their  illness.   However ,  over the coming years we are bound to see a massive amount of change as women of all races and beliefs gradually assert themselves.

As a percentage of the overall population , the Muslim community in GB is very small - just about 3.5 million of them throughout the whole country – but they do tend to get far more publicity than they really deserve.   Those few who are radical and extremist   can do a great of harm and do collect a massive amount of media interest which tends to attract other young impressionable young men – and some women too.

Women are LIFE;  It’s nothing to do with religion of course, but the fact is that women are life and they themselves are only just beginning to realize it.    Men only bring to the table a few grams of sperm - basically  just about enough to determine the sex of the child and few minor characteristics - and the sooner we all recognise this fact , the better it will be for society as a whole.