Sunday, 28 October 2018

On the issue of Gender

In the chaos of my current efforts at  downsizing I’m afraid that I have got a bit behind on my ongoing BLOG.  I do try and keep it interesting as well as up to date , but although I still have a pretty active lifestyle with plenty to write about, enough spare time is always a bit of a problem.

I suppose I will just have to try a bit harder as I don’t want to give everything up quite yet and of course the more I do the better condition my brain keeps in.

So here we go again.


I’m absolutely and totally cheesed off with all the media hoo- ha on the current issue of Gender. The word occasionally came up in general conversation twenty years or so ago as a description of a persons sex, ie; are they either a man or a woman.  Most people are what would simply be described as NORMAL.  Meaning that they conform to a usual standard and are free from mental or emotional disorder.

For the vast majority of humanity the answer to that was fairly easy to define physically, primarily by examination of the sexual organs. Vagina – Breasts; Female. Penis ,Testicles; Male. And in spite of all the various theories on Gender that is very much the same now.

Greater knowledge of science has informed us that in some people there can be some kind of abnormality with the brain which does not match up with the actual  physical evidence.   The individual looks like and feels like one sex , but there brain tells them that they are the opposite.

The media describe them ( and many describe themselves ) as transgender or gender this or gender that  ? It is a major problem for the person that this condition affects, but as yet  there is no known remedy.

I am sorry for all those people that are affected by this situation , but it is a complete waste of time and effort going on about it. Just like the Homosexual their brains are damaged and cannot be repaired or changed in any way. Some may benefit from psychological help to deal with what will be a permanent problem throughout their lives , but they cannot ever be cured and that is that.

I may often refer in my writing to the word NORMAL.  In this case I use the dictionary meaning ; conforming to a usual standard and free from mental or emotional disorder.

And for me, that’s  the end of this discussion. 


Until today I had never heard of PHILLIP ULLMAN , but a short piece about him appeared in the Sunday Times Magazine ( 28/10/18).    Aged 53 he is the head of The Cordant Group , a family owned business with over 5000 major clients. The feature - by Caroline Scott whom I imagine works for the Sunday Times - is a superb piece of reportage which I recommend to everyone that can get hold of it.

Mr Ullmans major aim in life at the present time is to turn The Cordant Group into the UK’s biggest social enterprise, directing profits into education, employment and healthcare programmes and he hopes to influence others by his own actions and examples.  I am pretty certain that he will succeed and in no small way. 

While we have people like Phillip Ullman alive and kicking there is still hope for us all in this often seemingly totally insane world. 
