Saturday, 24 November 2012

It will soon become obvious to the reader -if it’s not already so- that the exhibitionist and/or the voyeur are a major feature in much of our work. 
                                                                       Indian Erotic Art                 
 The Exhibitionist:     Exhibitionism in its simplest descriptive form is the practise of deriving sexual pleasure or stimulation from exposing oneself in public.  Although the word is often thought  to mean deliberate exposure of the sexual parts, this need not necessarily be so.   The individual(s) involved need not necessarily be exposing their sexual parts ( legally defined as indecent exposure ), be  naked  or even partly naked, or they may  even be covered in some form of skimpy or revealing clothing.  The exhibitionist can even be fully dressed,  but behaving in a sexually provocative manner – in other words an extreme form of “showing off”.   

The Voyeur:    Desmond Morris , the respected naturalist writer and researcher has described voyeurism as “a healthy non-participatory sexual activity”.    A pretty good description, but somewhat  incomplete.    Although the Voyeur may well be attracted to the Exhibitionist if the opportunity arises , they are not necessarily connected.  Indeed , it’s not just the idea of seeing what is normally kept hidden that excites the voyeur the most , but that of seeing it unknown to the actual participants.  Because they are sometimes discovered spying or otherwise peering into bathroom or bedroom windows to satisfy their desires , voyeurs  are often considered to be dangerous , but they do not usually present any form of threat .  

Mixoscopia;   is the term used when the voyeur enjoys watching his wife or loved one engaging in sexual relations with another male .  Presumably, the same term could also apply to a woman and her husband/lover. 

Erotica:      Some years ago, after a feature I had written on an international exhibition of art had been published in a specialist magazine, I was commissioned to write a short piece on (my own) definition of erotica.   Here it is, short but pretty concise and to the point. 

                                                                                    Classical Art

“ What exactly is Erotica?  
What actually defines erotica and how if at all does it differ from obscenity and pornography -  words that are  used to describe the kind of sexual material that supposedly serves only to deprave and corrupt ?   This is an argument that has raged on between artists, scholars and those ruling our public and private lives for hundreds if not for thousands of years without ever being properly resolved - and perhaps it never will be. Maybe it's an impossible task or at least one which can only be defined on a very personal basis.

History tells us that the ancient Greek GOD of LOVE was called EROS. Not too surprising then that in the Greek language eros was the word for love. The word erotic, meaning sensual, stimulating, arousing, of or causing sexual love is derived from exactly the same Greek base. So of course is the word erotica , having the same meaning in ancient times as it has now - a collective noun for material of any kind - written , aural or visual having the ability to or the specific purpose of arousing sexual desire.

It's fairly easy to see that very many of those people involved in producing much of the material classed as erotica - especially in modern times - are less concerned with the artistic content than with the financial rewards. As sexually explicit as it may well be, the majority of this kind of work tends not to have any great depth of feeling or quality other than that of immediate but brief sexual arousal.

                                                                        French Rats
In other cases however, it is equally clear that the artist, the model, the writer or the actor(s) have themselves been aroused and/or stimulated by it. This could have happened at some time within the planning of the project and almost certainly once again during the actual production of what usually turns out to be an erotic masterpiece.

It is this personal celebration of sexual desire, love and sensuality that shines through into the finished work , and in doing so practically guaranteeing that it becomes equally stimulating and desirable to others.”
c . M.G.  2002

All living creatures need to reproduce in some way or another in order to ensure their continuity and survival.  The process by which animals reproduce is called mating.  Some of the most common words used to describe when human animals like us do it are – sexual intercourse , reproduction, copulation , procreation, or lovemaking.   However whatever name we use as,  human beings  there is one element without which successful reproduction would be very difficult or even impossible for us .   That key word is stimulation – the arousal of sexual desire – and in that respect  Erotica in one form or another is for human beings an essential part of life itself.  It is true to say that Sex is central to our humanity and in most cases is a beautiful and satisfying experience, but as we will see , even animals require some form of stimulation in order to reproduce.  

Art in Erotica:
The naked form and it’s erotic connections have been prolific in every kind of art almost from the beginning of humanity.   In fact , sexually inspired images are amongst the earliest evidence of  human culture and lie at the very root of all human life.
An important element in erotic art is the accoutrements with which the otherwise naked body is adorned.  Almost any object, but primarily some kind of clothing, gloves , foot-ware or  jewellery , even paint or some other  more permanent  kind of decoration can become the object of what is often termed fetish fascination.  It is a topic  which we often use in our writing and Belinda is something of an expert on the subject.  

All living creatures have the same biological drives that they need to gratify in order to exist . To eat and drink are the obvious ones required merely to exist – but to survive into the future one must add SEX.   The natural biological stimulation for food and drink is one of hunger and thirst , but for sex both  human and animal life require extra stimulation of some kind or another. 
The most important form of stimulation for us all - animal or human - is that of smell.  All living species exude some form of scented secretion designed to attract or repel others. Called phemerones, these smells act as warning signals , territory markers or mating calls.
Most humans  remain completely unaware of our own or others natural smells or how they affect our sexual behaviour, and are completely unconscious of  the scent , let alone the fact that it has attracted us to a potential sexual partner.
The other essential  form of stimulation is by some form of visual exhibition. Its a natural process in animals or birds  where the sexual parts swell up and and/or other body parts take on bright and distinct colour and shape which are used  in some kind of ritual movements or dance.  Without this stimulation which normally only takes place once a year , most animals are unable to procreate at all.  There are a few species of animal -  the  bonobo monkey for instance is an animal exception - who have the ability to continually stimulate each other so that they are able to have sex  at the drop of a hat. 
 The behaviour of primitive man was very much the same as that of the animal kingdom.  Sex  was bonded to various  rituals and seasonal celebrations , harvests , changes in the moon , etc;  At the end of the ritual , which usually included frenzied dancing , the whole thing might develop into some kind of sexual orgy ensuring a suitable degree of procreative success. 
Some animal groups also use the orgy as a stimulant and the pink flamingo is a prime example of this behaviour.  At the start of the mating season these strange looking birds congregate in huge numbers all together in shallow water to feed - and ultimately to mate.   It takes just one couple to begin the process and like some kind of magical call of nature the rest all join in.  It’s the classic case of exhibitionism plus voyeurism equals sexual union. 
The word orgy takes its name from a Greek word meaning ‘secret rite’ and is religious in origin.   In the ancient world there were many different cults of this kind, most of them especially associated with  Dionysus the Greek God of wine (also known as Bacchus by the Romans ), whose worship included drinking , dancing and group sex.
Modern humans have over the centuries of time completely forgotten that their natural biological drives exist , but in the meantime have used their knowledge and inventiveness to continuously create new ideas and devices as sexual stimulants.  These are subjects which we have often explored in the past – and will continue to do so heafter.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

UTOPIA – a place where people live in peace and harmony.

UTOPIA – a place where people lived in peace and harmony.

Many years have passed since I first discovered the secret of living a naturist lifestyle and from that very moment it has been a never ending voyage.  One which has taken me all over Europe and even further afield, into and inside some amazing places - from simple comfort to unbelievable luxury - within privately owned or members only clubs and similar organisations, to huge holiday and leisure resorts.  

In the old days these were all very private places not easy to find and often protected by unspoiled natural woodlands,  with lots of resident wildlife (and a few domestic ones too) where peaceful relaxation in safe surroundings was absolutely guaranteed. 

Things began to change in the mid 1990’s when naturism became much more commercially orientated; attracting people that soon introduced their own agenda into the traditional way of life. But in spite of the constant calls for profit and financial gain, the great majority of the old style of naturism still exist where the general principles of peace and privacy still remain.

Upon reflection, in many ways these wonderfully calming places always reminded me very much of somewhere that I had read about years ago called UTOPIA. 

In my final years of schooling I read philosophy and remembered that it was  Plato who 2500 years ago first mooted the idea of a permanently happy land, isolated from the outside world where people lived in peace and harmony.    In the sixteenth century, Thomas More took up the theme again in his book called Utopia (a Greek word meaning a good place) in which he proposed a society with very similar ideals.  In 1933 the author James Hilton in his book Lost Horizon wrote his own version - of a mystical earthly paradise called Shangri La - a hidden place of refuge and peace isolated from the outside world and in complete harmony with nature.

I was reminded of this idyllic theme quite recently when in the course of my studies into a piece of work which I called ‘ What is  ART’  I  came across the work of the Belgian artist Leon Henri Frederic.  

Frederic, who was born in 1856 studied at the Brussels Académie des Beaux-Arts and his work, often featuring simple pastoral life became popular all    over Europe. Whilst on holiday in the Ardennes in 1883 Frederick discovered the isolated village of Nafraiture, an idyllic place which eventually became his regular holiday retreat. “Away from the ‘corruption and frenetic nervous energy of the industrial revolution”  as he later described it, this unspoiled picturesque village became the inspiration for his spiritual, primitive style of painting.

In 1901 Frederic painted his personal interpretation of Nafraiture as Utopia, in a most beautiful triptych entitled The Golden Age.  It was the left hand panel  called “ The Morning “  which impressed me most, as just about the nearest thing to the ideal of naturism that I had ever seen. 
                                                                       The Golden Age 1

In this wonderfully natural picture, fresh faced maidens in various states of undress went about their business as if in the general way of things nudity was of no importance, while in the foreground a contented mother held her tiny baby to her breast.  Cows grazed in a nearby meadow, birds sang in trees burdened with blossom, while children played without a care in the world.  Even the man on the horse has not bothered with trousers. 
                                                         Only when clothing was necessary

It struck me then and it still does today, that the imaginary concepts of this place called Utopia follows very similar ideals to those of naturism, even to the degree of not bothering with clothing unless it’s absolutely necessary.  
                                                       Naturism - A modern day Utopia

The idea of Utopia is nice in theory, but it’s doubtful if such a place could really exist in the modern world any more than it could in the old.  But naturism - just about nearest thing to it –can and does exist and unlike the residents of an imaginary Utopia, as followers of this unique lifestyle we can step in and out of it at will. 




Friday, 2 November 2012

The Erotica Spy strikes again.

In my role as a photo-journalist and using the byline “The Erotica Spy “ I  have over the passing years written many features on unusual exhibitions, displays or demonstrations  from all over Europe , that contain some element of artistic nudity or eroticism.   Many of them have been published in some magazine or another, while others still remain in my archives.  The Erotic Awards Finalists Exhibition is one that I wrote in 2006, together with some of the pictures I took at the time. 
It may be interesting to note that Belinda was one of the nominations for Erotic Writer of the Year- 2011 , but was unfortunately unable to accept due to family obligations.   
          The Erotic Awards Finalists Exhibition – London 2006.

Many followers of naturism will already be aware of the connection that exists between censorship , government regulation and the naturist lifestyle. Over the last decade or so an ever growing range of minority groups have been formed, their primary objectives to help maintain an equal balance between the freedom of the individual to enjoy their generally peaceful and harmless activities and the ever increasing powers of the State. Many naturists support such activities and this support is frequently reciprocated by the majority of these mostly charitable organisations. 

The Erotic Awards, an annual event now in it’s thirteenth year is a typical example of this kind of friendly co-operation.and its main purpose is to raise funds for and general awareness of the charity called Outsiders. This year marks the 27th anniversary of this unusual and unconventional organisation run by Dr Tuppy Owens, where disabled people can network , form friendships and relationships of all kinds – and yes- even sexual ones, if that’s what they are looking for. 

The 2006 event was sponsored by The Leydig Trust together with The Trolley Gallery in East London, where an exhibition of the work of the finalists, spread over 18 different categories has been on show since 29thAugust. Other national organisations such as Backlash , various sex workers cooperatives and human rights movements were also involved in this popular event.
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend the awards final stage show at the “Night of the Senses” , a fabulous ball held in London on September 2nd,  where the actual presentation of the awards were made, but luckily I did get the chance to view the exhibition and take some photographs of my own a few days earlier. 


The work of all fifty six finalists was on show at the gallery and it was gratifying to see that of the four Special Awards already chosen for this year , two went to artists that either Belinda or I had written about . These were a Lifetime Achievements Award to Nobuyoshi Araki and the Outsiders Award, which went to the incredible and courageous Alison Lapper.

The French photographer Irina Ionesco, who celebrated her seventieth birthday this year also received a very well deserved lifetime achievement award and a number of her fabulously erotic pictures were prominently displayed on the gallery walls. Sunset Strip, the old established and much loved Soho strip bar, for many years a staunch supporter of groups such as Outsiders and Deafblind UK, got the popular vote as the third winner of a Lifetime Award.

As well as original artists and photographers the main categories also included erotic writers , illustrators , specialist clubs and campaigners , performance artists and sex workers, websites and publications. All the work shown was of a very high quality but sadly there is only room to include descriptions of a few of the entries in this small feature.

The provocative picture of Lily Dumont , the glamorous performance artist ( and an entrant under that heading ) who we had the pleasure of seeing in a live performance erotic cabaret recently, that was taken by photographer Sarah Ainslie and put to good use on the main Awards Private Invitation, was a perfect representation of the show.
The inimitable and talented Sylvie Jones , who with just a few strokes of the brush can create the most amazingly erotic portrait,was of course a natural selection for Illustration & Design.I didn’t get to read any of the content of Agent Provocateur’s“Secrets and Confessions” in the Publications section ( it was on the top shelf and I couldn’t reach it – honest ), but the cover looked almost as luxuriously provocative as their underwear does, so I expect it was pretty hot stuff.The Ceramic Corsets entry came under the Fashion section,but I thought that their unique and beautiful display could equally have made the grade under several other headings.

When these awards first began almost two decades ago they were practically ignored by all except the fringe media and perhaps it is some indication of a slightly more positive change in attitudes in the UK that the exhibition this year has received a considerable amount of serious publicity, including in some quality national newspapers.
This year’s showing has been every bit as artistic, entertaining and informative as have previous exhibitions and I am already looking  forward to the 2007 event, which I am sure will continue to provide the essential success and support for the unique Outsiders Organisation and it’s hard working volunteers and management.
Mark Golding.
Sorry - I cant get rid of the space at the foot of this blog.  Please scroll down to the next one. Thanks


























































































Thursday, 1 November 2012

about 50 shades of grey

If you were one of the fifty million odd people that bought 50 Shades of Grey and thought it was the best erotic book ever published – then think again.  A Lifetime of Pleasure - a unique chronicle of modern day real life sexual adventures and erotic experiences which includes many photographic illustrations – will be bound to blow your mind.   It will not be ready for publication until the middle of 2013, but in the meantime  Sex on the Beach and other short stories – a small appetizer to get the juices flowing – will be available this Xmas.  Watch this space for more details.