Friday, 2 November 2012

The Erotica Spy strikes again.

In my role as a photo-journalist and using the byline “The Erotica Spy “ I  have over the passing years written many features on unusual exhibitions, displays or demonstrations  from all over Europe , that contain some element of artistic nudity or eroticism.   Many of them have been published in some magazine or another, while others still remain in my archives.  The Erotic Awards Finalists Exhibition is one that I wrote in 2006, together with some of the pictures I took at the time. 
It may be interesting to note that Belinda was one of the nominations for Erotic Writer of the Year- 2011 , but was unfortunately unable to accept due to family obligations.   
          The Erotic Awards Finalists Exhibition – London 2006.

Many followers of naturism will already be aware of the connection that exists between censorship , government regulation and the naturist lifestyle. Over the last decade or so an ever growing range of minority groups have been formed, their primary objectives to help maintain an equal balance between the freedom of the individual to enjoy their generally peaceful and harmless activities and the ever increasing powers of the State. Many naturists support such activities and this support is frequently reciprocated by the majority of these mostly charitable organisations. 

The Erotic Awards, an annual event now in it’s thirteenth year is a typical example of this kind of friendly co-operation.and its main purpose is to raise funds for and general awareness of the charity called Outsiders. This year marks the 27th anniversary of this unusual and unconventional organisation run by Dr Tuppy Owens, where disabled people can network , form friendships and relationships of all kinds – and yes- even sexual ones, if that’s what they are looking for. 

The 2006 event was sponsored by The Leydig Trust together with The Trolley Gallery in East London, where an exhibition of the work of the finalists, spread over 18 different categories has been on show since 29thAugust. Other national organisations such as Backlash , various sex workers cooperatives and human rights movements were also involved in this popular event.
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend the awards final stage show at the “Night of the Senses” , a fabulous ball held in London on September 2nd,  where the actual presentation of the awards were made, but luckily I did get the chance to view the exhibition and take some photographs of my own a few days earlier. 


The work of all fifty six finalists was on show at the gallery and it was gratifying to see that of the four Special Awards already chosen for this year , two went to artists that either Belinda or I had written about . These were a Lifetime Achievements Award to Nobuyoshi Araki and the Outsiders Award, which went to the incredible and courageous Alison Lapper.

The French photographer Irina Ionesco, who celebrated her seventieth birthday this year also received a very well deserved lifetime achievement award and a number of her fabulously erotic pictures were prominently displayed on the gallery walls. Sunset Strip, the old established and much loved Soho strip bar, for many years a staunch supporter of groups such as Outsiders and Deafblind UK, got the popular vote as the third winner of a Lifetime Award.

As well as original artists and photographers the main categories also included erotic writers , illustrators , specialist clubs and campaigners , performance artists and sex workers, websites and publications. All the work shown was of a very high quality but sadly there is only room to include descriptions of a few of the entries in this small feature.

The provocative picture of Lily Dumont , the glamorous performance artist ( and an entrant under that heading ) who we had the pleasure of seeing in a live performance erotic cabaret recently, that was taken by photographer Sarah Ainslie and put to good use on the main Awards Private Invitation, was a perfect representation of the show.
The inimitable and talented Sylvie Jones , who with just a few strokes of the brush can create the most amazingly erotic portrait,was of course a natural selection for Illustration & Design.I didn’t get to read any of the content of Agent Provocateur’s“Secrets and Confessions” in the Publications section ( it was on the top shelf and I couldn’t reach it – honest ), but the cover looked almost as luxuriously provocative as their underwear does, so I expect it was pretty hot stuff.The Ceramic Corsets entry came under the Fashion section,but I thought that their unique and beautiful display could equally have made the grade under several other headings.

When these awards first began almost two decades ago they were practically ignored by all except the fringe media and perhaps it is some indication of a slightly more positive change in attitudes in the UK that the exhibition this year has received a considerable amount of serious publicity, including in some quality national newspapers.
This year’s showing has been every bit as artistic, entertaining and informative as have previous exhibitions and I am already looking  forward to the 2007 event, which I am sure will continue to provide the essential success and support for the unique Outsiders Organisation and it’s hard working volunteers and management.
Mark Golding.
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