The Male Homosexual – The Cause and
TWINS-Ronnie & Reggie (with their older brother Charlie in centre
picture) were notorious in the East End
of London for their much publicised violent lifestyle.
Ronnie was
a self confessed homosexual who was at times extremely unhappy with his sexual
identity and made several failed attempts to do something about it. His two
brothers were perfectly normal heterosexuals. Although they both had violent
characters and often fought each other ( in public) almost to the death - they
were also highly intelligent and successful in business, especially Ronnie who
was also something of an entrepreneur and genuine philanthropist. As identical
twin males their lives and lifestyles are a good illustration of the many
complexities of homosexuality.
About the Male
This short but precise discourse will undoubtedly
upset many people – not only homosexuals themselves but probably many of their families
too , but like it or not it is essentially the truth in what is a difficult
situation to write about with causing some kind of offence along the way. At the present time (2017) the UK media in
general are not being particularly unkind to the homosexual - in fact the exact
opposite - positively reporting their skills in home design and fashion for
example - but we have to remember that things can and do
change - often on a whim – when the positive can quickly become a negative –
both cruel and obstructive. Homosexuality is today an illegal activity in
73 countries of the world providing several layers of punishment for offenders.
the time of writing certain religious leaders within the Christian (Catholic ) church are promoting the idea of homosexual
marriages , including both inside and
outside the church. Not unusual I have
to say as for hundreds if not thousands of years the male homosexual has been able hide away
inside the Catholic church to carry on their unnatural lifestyle without too
much trouble. But with the power of the internet and social media it’s not so
easy now to keep it secret.
Male Homosexual.
It was as
a teenager of about 17 or 18 that I made a sudden discovery about something
that had never really bothered me before.
As street wise youngsters we had always been aware that some men were
different to the rest of us and could be a danger in some unspoken way or
another. Before our teens and without
really knowing what it was all about we called them derogatory names like – bum
boys or the like – and kept well out of their way. As we got a bit older and ostensibly wiser
the name calling changed – queer boys, poofters, gingers ( rhyming slang, ginger beers–queers)
or worse and would often put the fear of god into anyone we came across that we
thought was that way inclined, even to the extent of beating them up on
occasion for some imaginary offence. By then a clear image had been formed enabling
us to identify such creatures – slyness, strange secretive habits, feminine
traits like their way of speaking, the occasional wearing of women’s clothing
and a presumed craving for young boys.
To be honest the whole issue was mainly based on innuendo,
misunderstanding and misapprehension and was very confusing not just to
youngsters, but to just about everyone and in any case no-one appeared to make
any attempt to investigate the truth of any of it.
In 1958
The Kalin Twins - an American pop duo - had just found fame with the release of
their recording of ‘When’, which sold over 2 million records and
immediately reached number one in the UK charts. It was their one and only hit record after
which they faded away into virtual obscurity, however before they disappeared
off the pop radar they came over to the UK to appear in a promotional concert
in London.
It was only then that I discovered that one of
my best friends brothers had been working as a barman in a club which was
hosting a special one night only private performance by The Kalins. The club was called The Rockingham and was
right opposite The Windmill Theatre. I
knew the location of The Windmill well- it was a well known London and Soho
landmark that I had walked past many times, but I had never heard of the
Rockingham. The important thing was that Harry had acquired four free tickets
for the evening and one of them had my name on it.
We arrived
in plenty of time dressed up in our in our smartest outfits and even though
Great Windmill Street was only a short thoroughfare had a job finding the club
entrance, just a single plain wooden door with the name on it and a spy hole to
see who was calling.
We almost
didn’t get in - thankfully our tickets were marked with the brothers name - but
when we did eventually get inside we couldn’t believe our eyes. Every person
that we could see in the club were male - men of various ages but mostly in
their forties and fifties, all very smart and from their dress probably pretty well off. To my eyes this could just as easily have
been some kind of business conference of the kind that I had seen in films in
the past, instead of a performance by two American pop artists.
Then we
suddenly realised – the whole lot of them must be homosexuals - and although
one or two were a bit outlandish the vast majority could have been and probably
were men from all walks of life, intelligent, well educated and cultured. This did not fit our image of poofs in any
way at all and I was amazed to say the least–as we all were including Harry who
seemed to be every bit as surprised as the rest of us.
As I
remember it was a pretty good show, but all in all it was to say the least a
very a strange evening. On the way home
we spoke between us only about the performance, no mention whatever was made
about queerboys, homosexuality in general or Harry’s brothers part in the whole
thing. In retrospect I think that the
family had no idea about his obvious homosexuality and that this invitation was
the way the brother had decided to do what is now called ‘coming out’. The whole experience was for me an eye opener
of enormous proportions and from that very day put a very different perspective
on my view of this much aligned minority section of humanity.
In those
days although it was not an actual crime to be a homosexual the majority of
sexual activity between them was deemed to be a criminal offence. To be honest in those days there was no idea
of the cause or effect of what is clearly some kind of sexual deviation, with
religious and medical experts either unable or unwilling to either comment or
properly investigate it - and I have to say that even today with important
changes in the law regarding homosexuality and the growth of various [Gay
Rights] movements all over the Western world,
it’s not that much better.
In my
first business-trading in fine art and antiques and hand made furniture -many
of my most valuable clients came from the world of theatre and interior design
and were clearly homosexual, although
not demonstratively so to those outside this community. But close contact with them on a regular
basis was the first opportunity I had to understand a great deal more about
them as individuals and-to put it bluntly-their somewhat abnormal lives.
Later on,
when in a major career change as a part of my ongoing naturist lifestyle I
became a specialist writer and photojournalist–especially during my eighteen
years as editor and writer of the problem pages for an international magazine–I
became much more aware of the troubles they faced on almost an everyday
I spent
many years on research, with much information gained during my 30 year spell as
an agony aunt for the naturist /fetish communities, carefully noting the results not just on
homosexuality but also the confusion between that and other connected
deviations, the whole of which eventually formed a major dissertation on the
entire subject, still to be published as part of my journals. The question of male homosexuality in
society – its acceptance or in some cases the exact opposite – criminalisation
- has ebbed and flowed over the centuries and there has been plenty of research
carried out and written on this subject
over the years. Even so it is a matter
that still contains deeply seated bigotry and prejudice some of which are perfectly
valid and others merely total ignorance
of the subject matter.
The Male Homosexual – The Cause .
The male
homosexual in general tend to either keep as quiet about it as they can under
the circumstances or otherwise promote the idea that apart from their sexual
desires they are otherwise just about the same as everyone else – ie; normal.
But they are not normal at all. On
the surface there is of course no noticeable difference – no litmus test at all to physically or
medically detect the homosexual from the heterosexual. The only real means of detection is in fact
either by a clear admission by them or by catching them in the act – neither of
which is in fact 100% proof . Incidentally
I am pretty certain that there is no such gender as a bisexual homosexual. This
term is just a cover for those who enter into some kind of fake M/F
The human
foetus begins in the female of the species as soon as the sperm hits the egg
and apart from the actual gender defined by the donor – whether it is male or
female - most of what goes on thereafter takes place as the mother carries out
her internal programming before the birth.
In the
normal way of things an automatic male/female attraction is created rather like
that of a magnet the purpose of which is the successful continuation of the
species in order to attract the male and female to procreate and to raise their
young. The usual word for this in modern
western society is marriage.
numbers of homosexual births appear to rise and fall according to some kind of
reaction taking place to the foetus while it is still forming inside the mother
and may have something to do with the mothers levels of stress present at the
Homosexual male has no sexual attraction whatsoever to the female of the human
specie , but some women do tend to be attracted to the homosexual male as they
imagine some kind of feminine affinity. In most cases they are aware that the
homosexual male is not interested in having any kind of sexual relationship
with them. Women also seem able to leave
out of their imagination the homosexual lifestyle – the fact that they are not
in any way normal and the way in which homosexuals have sex with each other –
ie anal. Unless they have made a point
of learning more about it women are also most likely completely unaware of the
fact that they themselves have actually created their male child as a homosexual
as part of the foetal programming process.
majority of Homosexuals have no idea how or why they were made that except
perhaps for the few that go out of their way to try to discover more about it –
sadly with varying degrees of success. A
relatively small percentage of young males commit suicide as they pass into
adulthood . It is not known if this has something to do with homosexuality as
these youngsters rarely make their actions public , but it is quite possible
that this is so in many cases.
So - as much as they like to promote
the idea that they are normal – as normal is what the great majority of
us in this respect are - then homosexuals
quite clearly are not so. It follows that if the entire population of
the world is homosexual then very soon there would be very few new births and a rapidly shrinking and eventually
disappearing populace. Male homosexuality
is in fact a simple process of population control, naturally decreasing the
number of new births, especially when conditions of extreme stress or
overpopulation occur.
And the Effect.
homosexuals go to a great deal of trouble to try to prove what they promote as their
normality – and from time to time with a certain degree of success – but their
efforts often tend only to have the reverse effect, especially amongst the
younger male heterosexual population who have a very natural aversion to them
in general. The current social and
general media promotion of homosexuality as a normal harmless activity will not
in the longer term do them a great deal of good.
The simple facts are that the homosexual is an
accident of normal birth and as such unfortunately for all concerned , an
inherent danger to society. Wrongly programmed at the foetus stage they are
condemned to an unnatural life and a worrying degree of rejection by the rest
of society.
homosexuals most vociferous campaigner is undoubtedly Peter Tachell. Born in Australia
, Tachell is a highly intelligent man who publicly accepted the fact that he
was a practising homosexual in 1969.
Moving to London In 1971 he led a new pressure group formed to support
homosexuality calling it the Gay Liberation Front (GFL) and became its main
quite notorious and vociferous campaigner. Using the word ‘Gay’ as the
dictionary description - meaning jolly and frolicsome - was a piece
of marketing genius, a smart move appearing on the surface to make the
homosexual life more acceptable to the general public but in those early days
it did not work all that well. Not the
kind of individual to give up that easily he went one stage further, helping to
form another group of various social/physical
misfits and including a tenuous but for homosexuals a vitally
important link with homosexuality called the L B G T – nominally Lesbian,
Bisexual, Gay and Transvestite (sometimes incorrectly referred to as
transgender ) and effectively not much more than a small rag-tag percentage
comparison of the total population. There is no proper dictionary definition of
the word gender except that it is commonly used by the individual as how they
see themselves. There is of course no connection whatsoever between the male
homosexual and the Lesbian or Transvestite genders. And we don’t seem to hear
that much about Tachell of late either.
When young,
many homosexuals react to their personal sexual discovery with loathing and
self hatred asking themselves why me ?
and in some cases with masochistic and sadistic behaviour to themselves and
with others , but generally speaking most of them tend to get on
with their lives without too much trouble as they get a bit older.
It is
clear then that there is nothing normal about the male homosexual – they arrive
by an accident of birth and although they are still persecuted or victimised either
directly or indirectly in many countries and by almost all religions they are
not on the whole a direct threat to the rest of us.
However –
there is a proportion of homosexual males who have a strong sexual attraction towards
the younger male. They are in fact dangerous sexual predators and have the
ability to secretly insert themselves into places where they can find suitable
victims, the church for example, other leisure pursuits or parts of the social
caring systems.
Of course
not all homosexuals are sexual predators
but about 99% of male sexual predators are homosexuals and their activities
secret or otherwise are very often only exposed to the public gaze long after
the events have taken place.
majority of homosexuals have no idea how or why they were made that way and
only a small minority seem to care, but
nevertheless because of their male/male sexual behaviour they do pose a direct
health risk to themselves and sometimes indirectly to others – and not only to
other homosexuals. This serious health
risk is a constant problem not only for the homosexual community but for the
population in general, especially so in the more backward places in the world.
The anus
is the natural exit for our body waste and with it a whole host of nasty germs. We are taught
to keep that part of the body clean and most of us do so and in addition the body’s
own immune system does its best to do
the same thing. Provided not too many
outside viruses get into the system there are few problems ,but once something
new gets into the system - usually from
another adult via anal intercourse, major problems can occur.
multiple partners, the variety of viruses gradually build up in many
homosexuals creating what is known as AIDS ( auto immune deficiency ) an
incurable illness which although it can be controlled by drugs taken throughout
the life of the patient is a constant
threat and not only to homosexuals. It is a very virulent and life threatening
disease which easily spreads throughout throughout entire communities and even
into ordinary M/F relationships and according
to current media information (2016) is a rapidly increasing problem with new
cases in the UK alone running at between 7-10,000 each month.
especially young men ought to be aware that what appear to be positive
attitudes towards them can change overnight and in spite of current media hype probably
most of them already are.
There is
absolutely nothing that can change the negative attitudes of ordinary
heterosexual males towards the homosexual male and nothing much that either of the groups can do about it. The very best that we can do is to feel a
bit sorry for them , glad that we were not born like them and hope that more
useful information like that in this article reaches the public eye.
the parents and siblings of many sufferers as well as religious and
semi-religious organisations hope that some kinds of therapy /prayer might work
there is no evidence at all that it has any positive effect except for perhaps
short periods of time where the homosexual himself makes valiant attempts to
control his sexual urges before regressing back into the norm.
So is
there any kind of cure – right now or on the horizon perhaps. ??.
Very unlikely – some kind of partial brain transplant is about the only
thing if it were at all possible. And that’s about that !!!!!
m.m. 2017.