Sunday 4 November 2018

Sights and sounds of the Cap.

An unusual cup of coffee.

You see some strange things at the holiday village of Cap d’Agde , but this was just about as strange as it could get. We were still in the South of  France at the end of September. It was warm and sunny and we were sitting at a pavement café just about to start working out the details of getting ready to return to our normal winter life in Suffolk.

I heard the click clack of high heels and into view from behind me came a most unusual – even in Cap d Agde – sight.   The woman, tall , svelte and  immaculately dressed in black leather and wearing loads of heavy gold jewellery was leading the most amazing looking animal  I have even seen outside a zoo or circus.  It was a ferocious looking beast about the size of a Labrador dog which I later identified as a European Wildcat and as I looked over towards it ,  it hissed loudly and almost spat at me. Its owner almost as awesome as her pet ,apologised to us and pulled the animal closer to her with its professional halter leash.

I don’t think that Barbara was really frightened by the animal , but I could see that she was not really comfortable with the situation, so I quickly paid the bill and we went on our way.        

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